There is too little time to thank everyone individually, and what we showed more than anything was our incredible ability to work together as a church community, but we are so blessed to have such wonderful members of our welcome, AV, music and worship teams. These teams put in hours of practices, planning and preparations and were at the church hours before the service to make sure it went without a hitch. There were also individual contributions which may not have been so obvious on the day, Kate, Charlotte Norton and Mikee who prepared key parts of the service, PowerPoint and music as well as the wonderful words from Helen, Jeannie, Ian and the Rev. James Breslin who were able to express our feelings so well. The key to the service however was Charlotte West, who led the planning and preparations for the service and ensured it was a truly fitting send-off and most importantly of all, one with plenty of cake. As such the Board wants to thank each and every one of you for your input, and those of you who turned up, all of which helped made it such as success.
Cecilia has asked us to thank you for the lovely send-off, and all your generous gifts. Finally, a word from the Moderator of MCC, Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson;
“Northern Lights MCC, I know that even now God is calling upon that person who will be your next pastor, that there’s that right person for you who will lead you into your new era into being MCC right where you are. I love you and bless you, and look forward to the time - even after I’m no longer moderator - that I might come and visit you, and worship with you. I give you my heart and love, and my greetings, God bless you.”
Alice, James, Kirsten & Michael