This week, I was invited to the Land Registry offices in Durham to give a talk about LGBT issues and faith. The LGBT and Allies Network gather colleagues together in their particular branch of the Civil Service to support one another and discuss relevant issues. One of the other presenters, Emma, started her presentation with some words based on article by David Wong. “A thousand years ago, if you were a genius born on a farm, it didn't matter that you were a genius - it just meant you were going to be a genius who shovelled muck. Two hundred years ago in some places, if you were a genius who was born black, it didn't matter - you were going to live your life as a genius slave. A hundred years ago, if you were a genius who was born a female, it didn't matter - you were going to be a genius who stayed home and changed nappies. Sixty years ago if you were a genius who was born lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, it didn’t matter - you were going to be a genius who got arrested, prosecuted and put in jail.” (Thanks Emma)
LGBT and straight people are working together in Land Registry to make the workplace a safe space to come out in. When people are comfortable and can be fully themselves at work, they work better and are less stressed about people finding out about their ‘secret’. Jesus offered life in all its fullness. That includes the many hours of our life that we spend at work. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, disablism are everyone’s issues, not just for the person that they are aimed at. When we are in an environment where we can all thrive, we can each be the genius that God created us to be.
God bless,