When Jesus was brought before the High Priests and Sanhedrin it says after two men had accused him of saying that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, Matthew Chapter 26, “Jesus remained silent”. Again in front of Pilate it states “But Jesus made no reply – not even to a single charge.”
Obviously there are many significant differences in these two cases. The man who killed Jo Cox is guilty of the charges whereas the charges against Jesus were trumped up, spurious at best and down-right lies at worst.
The man who killed Jo Cox would appear to be full of hate and his motives can only be guessed as whereas Jesus was and is full of Love and his motives are explained in both the Old and the New Testament. Jesus came to fulfil Gods plan. He wasn’t guilty but took on the guilt of each one of us so that we too can be Not Guilty. His death comes from the great love that God has for each of us.
It might seem strange to you to be thinking about Easter as we are just about to enter into Advent and move towards Christmas but for me this is what Christmas is all about. The birth of a baby boy who would one day fulfil all the promises made by God. If Easter didn’t happen then there would be no point in celebrating Christmas.
As we spend the next few weeks preparing for Christmas and as you prepare at home, maybe with the purchasing of presents for those you love, don’t forget the greatest love that came into the world at this time, love available for everyone.
May you know the Love of God in the coming weeks.
God Bless
Charlotte W.