The story begins with two people bewildered by all that they have seen and witnessed (the crucifixion of Jesus) just like those involved in the hurricane and earthquake who also experienced bewilderment. As they walk they meet a stranger (Jesus) who shows compassion and interest in them. In this situation it is interesting to note that Jesus does not ask the disciples to walk beside him, Jesus does not lecture them, or tell them what to think or feel. Jesus focus is person-centred his gift to those who are walking that difficult road of bewilderment is to be present, listen to their story and ask them what matters to them? Jesus is teaching us in this that our ministry is about walking with people where they are. About establishing relationships and allowing their story to be shared evolve and be heard.
So we pray for all those who are at this time experiencing bewilderment. Personally we may not be there to hear their story but as we pray we ask that as those who have experienced the hurricane and earthquake may be able to tell their story to those who are around them or are called in to assist them. We give thanks for those lives that have been saved and remember those that have been lost and ask God to be present with them all. Amen.