Many of you know that I am passionate about making a difference in the world. In my own personal faith, I believe that being a follower of Jesus requires us to try and make the world a better place. For me, it is a vital part of what it means to be a Christian. I am also clear that doing God’s work without spending any time being with God, listening to God and going deeper with God, takes me away from the faith I hold so dear. It is therefore a challenge sometimes to get the balance right between action and stillness. As Northern Lights MCC, we have a vision of bringing hope and light to those who need it. I am excited to see what opportunities open up for us, as we continue to live into this vision. However, whatever unfolds, it is vital that we always remember our primary function as a church – to gather and worship the One who called us into being and calls us to be the people of God. Our worship together each Sunday gives us a chance to celebrate all that God has blessed us with, and renews us for the week ahead, as hope-giving Northern Lights.
God bless