Last Sunday I came into membership – a decision a couple of years in the making, and one I’m glad I’ve made. It's an auspicious time; not only Easter but near the beginning of my first year striking out on my own, away from home. I’m in a position where I am in full control of my life for the first time. The phrase “today is the first day of the rest of your life” comes to mind, and no matter where my life takes me, I have decided that I want to make that walk with God. I already decided that a few years ago, but after prayer, I felt the need to make that commitment more tangible. I wanted to not only show my commitment to God in a public way but to take responsibility while doing so by offering to serve the church which has brought me closer to Them than ever.
I will fall short. I will almost certainly be late for things, I will make mistakes, I will not always be able – or willing – to give my all, but I know that that is human, and that God will use me as I am. I have chosen to refuse to let the fear of what I cannot do keep me from doing what I can, and I will hold onto that choice and let God lead me wherever They will in the years to come. I’m deeply thankful for all of you for supporting me in getting this far.
God bless,