The founders of the early church did not know what they were building. Many, including Paul. believe they were bringing believers into the faith in the certain expectation that Christ would return within their lifetime. Their exhortations have a feeling of urgency to them, and I find it hard to imagine what Paul and his followers would have made of the idea that nearly 2,000 years after his lifetime we would be such a diverse and global community, and still awaiting the coming of God's new Jerusalem.
By the same token, could Troy Perry have imagined what an MCC in Newcastle-upon-Tyne would look like when 12 people first met in his living room? Or a major MCC conference taking place in Brazil? Did those of you who met in November 1991 have any idea what your group could become, and the lives it would change?
In Philippians 3, Paul writes that we have a goal to strive towards - that of building the New Realm of God - whatever else we face. Let us remember this in our times together in worship, and also as we go about the business of daily life; working, voting, and socialising. As we work to the glory of God, our work will not be in vain.