Hope in a chaotic world
1. How is everyone? Who has reached what point in decorating their home for Christmas?
2. Call to worship
All who need to renew their hope, come.
All who hope for hope itself, come.
All who hope and long for peace, come.
All who hope the world will discover love of neighbor, come.
All who hope for unending joy, come.
Worship, for the hope of the world has come.
Worship for the hope of the world is in our midst.
Worship for the hope of the world comes again to open hearts. AMEN
3. Worship – Light of the world
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJPJzIJOxKM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1auFzG98YFf_VWmFV66v9HsbmcsZ3KC6Ru2RHZCwzV70wJp3NhLwo1_uY from 57.26
4. First two weeks of advent – thoughts
Advent One:
Overall, where are you on the Hope meter? Are you feeling hopeless, somewhat hopeful, very hopeful? (scale of 1-10 with 1 being hopeless and 10 being super hopeful)
What is creating the most chaos in your world right now?
Advent Two:
What are the top 3 challenges to your peace?
Racial stress, COVID, politics, finances, healthcare, family
In the midst of our chaotic world, what do you do to nurture your inner peace?
5. Prayers
Let us pray for people in every corner of the earth. In God’s infinite love we have each been called to prepare for the coming of Jesus by making this world a place where justice and peace have embraced. May our lives reflect that call. Lord hear us. Response: Come Lord Jesus.
As we wait for the Day of the Lord, let us pray that our minds and hearts may be filled with all that is good, pure and noble and so live lives worthy of God. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We pray for all who work for understanding and acceptance in our multi-faith multi-ethnic world. We pray especially that we, will take the lead in building bridges of friendship and understanding with others and so make a community where righteousness will be at home. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We pray for all those suffering as a result of the Pandemic, the sick, the hungry, homeless and unemployed. May those with the responsibility, those with the power make a real difference and help the poorest in society. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We remember all who are sick, those in hospital and those who are housebound. We remember especially our own families wherever they may be. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We pray for ourselves and our community. We pray for those who need to renew their hope, all who hope for hope itself, all who hope and long for peace, all who hope the world will discover love of neighbor, all who hope for unending joy. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We remind ourselves of our desire to keep themes of black history month and caring for creation alive in our hearts and in our service to you. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
Community prayers – name people or situations that need prayer, aloud or in the silence of our hearts. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
6. Silence is kept.
7. Advent prayer
Lord, you call out to us all
in this special time of Advent grace,
and especially to the downhearted,
to those who suffer, to those whose spirits are low,
to those who feel the weariness of life.
You call us to look up, to raise our hearts,
to find our hope and salvation in you.
Help us to turn to you each day
in this precious time of Advent.
Show us your love, and renew us in hope.
1. How is everyone? Who has reached what point in decorating their home for Christmas?
2. Call to worship
All who need to renew their hope, come.
All who hope for hope itself, come.
All who hope and long for peace, come.
All who hope the world will discover love of neighbor, come.
All who hope for unending joy, come.
Worship, for the hope of the world has come.
Worship for the hope of the world is in our midst.
Worship for the hope of the world comes again to open hearts. AMEN
3. Worship – Light of the world
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJPJzIJOxKM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1auFzG98YFf_VWmFV66v9HsbmcsZ3KC6Ru2RHZCwzV70wJp3NhLwo1_uY from 57.26
4. First two weeks of advent – thoughts
Advent One:
Overall, where are you on the Hope meter? Are you feeling hopeless, somewhat hopeful, very hopeful? (scale of 1-10 with 1 being hopeless and 10 being super hopeful)
What is creating the most chaos in your world right now?
Advent Two:
What are the top 3 challenges to your peace?
Racial stress, COVID, politics, finances, healthcare, family
In the midst of our chaotic world, what do you do to nurture your inner peace?
5. Prayers
Let us pray for people in every corner of the earth. In God’s infinite love we have each been called to prepare for the coming of Jesus by making this world a place where justice and peace have embraced. May our lives reflect that call. Lord hear us. Response: Come Lord Jesus.
As we wait for the Day of the Lord, let us pray that our minds and hearts may be filled with all that is good, pure and noble and so live lives worthy of God. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We pray for all who work for understanding and acceptance in our multi-faith multi-ethnic world. We pray especially that we, will take the lead in building bridges of friendship and understanding with others and so make a community where righteousness will be at home. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We pray for all those suffering as a result of the Pandemic, the sick, the hungry, homeless and unemployed. May those with the responsibility, those with the power make a real difference and help the poorest in society. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We remember all who are sick, those in hospital and those who are housebound. We remember especially our own families wherever they may be. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We pray for ourselves and our community. We pray for those who need to renew their hope, all who hope for hope itself, all who hope and long for peace, all who hope the world will discover love of neighbor, all who hope for unending joy. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
We remind ourselves of our desire to keep themes of black history month and caring for creation alive in our hearts and in our service to you. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
Community prayers – name people or situations that need prayer, aloud or in the silence of our hearts. Lord hear us: Come Lord Jesus.
6. Silence is kept.
7. Advent prayer
Lord, you call out to us all
in this special time of Advent grace,
and especially to the downhearted,
to those who suffer, to those whose spirits are low,
to those who feel the weariness of life.
You call us to look up, to raise our hearts,
to find our hope and salvation in you.
Help us to turn to you each day
in this precious time of Advent.
Show us your love, and renew us in hope.